Note: I had to sign a confidentiality agreement before I was allowed to go on this tour of an interesting piece of farm land that had been converted for a certain trilogy of films that shall remain nameless so I don’t show up on search engines and find lawyerly emails and phone calls awaiting me one day. Instead, I shall just make vague references and show you pictures instead. They just had a few clips on the news here showing the area in detail, so I don’t mind showing the pictures. I’ll respect the confidentiality agreement in keeping what I heard from general public ears/eyes though, since a lot of it relates to the ongoing filming and production. If you are really curious about certain aspects, feel free to email me.
Once upon a time there was a series of 3 books that were long thought unfilmable due to their narrative structure, major set pieces, long and involved story and many other reasons.
Then one day a kiwi director took up the task of trying to do the impossible – translate the 3 beloved books into 3 grandiose movies that captured the essence of the books yet remained enjoyable to a large audience. And by all accounts, he succeeded. The films were a massive worldwide success, winning numerous awards and accolades while bringing in oodles of money for both the filmmakers and the country of New Zealand, thanks to increased tourism. One location that was sought by tourists was an odd little piece of farm land, chosen for it’s rolling hills, trees and water. It was a perfect location to create a special town. One that had actually just gotten a complete update, facelift and sprucing up due to new movies being made for another book, this time a timeless children’s book in the same vein as the 3 more adult books.
From here on I’ll just let the pictures speak for themselves, since they do a pretty good job. I will say two final things:
The green doored house is that of the person who is the most famous and iconic of the area, and sits beneath a tree on the top of a hill.
The amount of work that went into this area is impressive. Very impressive. Tons of detail.
Onwards with some pictures.