After finishing up the Great Ocean Road our tour headed inland, towards The Grampians National Park.
Admittedly, I didn’t know much about the Grampians when I signed up, other than it was a National Park and we got to do some enjoyable hiking. That was enough for me!
After the excitement of the morning, there wasn’t much else to do but drive towards the Grampians, which happened to be several hours away. We stopped for lunch and a bit of a walk, but the rain dampened things constantly. By evening we made it to our resting spot. A few of us went for a walk to try and find kangaroos, but only got to see the sunset instead.
The next morning, bright and early, we headed into the heart of the Grampians. Our first stop was for some waterfalls, specifically, MacKenzie Falls, the highest waterfall in Victoria. Before we started our walk, we came across a Kookaburra.
Besides being kinda goofy looking, these birds have the strangest calls. It sounds like laughter, but monkey laughter. Get a group of them together and it sounds like you should be in a tropical jungle somewhere.
It was a relatively short stroll to the Falls.
The MacKenzie Falls were fairly nice. We hiked back up towards the parking lot.
Now there were baby kangaroos around! Awwwwwwww.
Finally we jumped back into the van and jetted off to our next stop, a lookout over the Grampians. Which was completely clouded in. Boo.
We headed off and started our main hike for the day, towards The Pinnacle. Along the way the clouds did break for a time and we got some great views of the valleys below.
Eventually we could see the Pinnacle popping out amongst the trees. Along with a looming raincloud.
Sure enough, as we broke through the tree lines, so did the rain through the clouds. The rock at this height was very interestingly shaped.
The rain abated a bit when we got to The Pinnacle, allowing us a decent view out to the valley below. But more rain was on it’s way.
There was some small rock outcroppings here where the group and I had our lunches amid the passing rain. We hoped for better weather once our hike began again.
Beautiful pictures. Even in the cloud and rain the views are awe inspiring.